SF Bay Area Calf Augmentation

Strong calf muscles are desirable for many people, especially those who aim for a toned and muscular physique. Men and women can feel self-conscious about their lower leg area even after exercising consistently. 

If you are concerned about the appearance of your calves, or if your calves look disproportionately small compared to the rest of your body, calf augmentation can help contour and accentuate your calves.

Many people, especially men, don’t have the calf shape they want. Calf augmentation is a minimally invasive procedure that helps improve the appearance of the lower legs. Men and women can have this procedure, although men more often have concerns about thin-looking calves. 

There are two reasons why patients seek calf augmentation – for restorative or cosmetic purposes. Restorative calf augmentation can address conditions affecting the lower legs, such as physical trauma or a congenital disorder. This surgery can help resculpt the legs and make them appear more balanced. 

Cosmetic patients who want this surgery usually want to enhance their lower legs to appear more muscular and proportional. For both men and women, having calves that aren’t toned after constant diet and exercise can lead to lower self-esteem and frustration.

There are two types of calf implants that Dr. Rankin can use separately or together. A medial implant involves the inner part of the legs, while a lateral implant will be placed on the outer portion of the legs. Women tend only to have medial implants, while men opt for both if they want a more defined calf. Calf implants are made from soft silicone to make them flexible and natural-looking.

Dr. Rankin will give you instructions to follow before surgery. Generally, this may include blood tests and a physical examination. We recommend you stop smoking at least two weeks before and stop taking certain medications such as herbal supplements or NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). 

During the procedure, Dr. Rankin will make an incision behind the knee after an anesthesiologist puts you under general anesthesia. Then, he will place the implant under the muscle. The surgery can take two to three hours for Dr. Rankin to complete.

Because calf augmentation is an outpatient procedure, you need to have a family member or friend drive you home from surgery to recover. Dr. Rankin will wrap your legs in bandages and a compression garment. 

We recommend you keep your legs elevated to reduce swelling and pain as much as possible. You will be instructed on when you can remove your bandages to shower. After the first two weeks, the bruising and swelling will subside. While walking may feel uncomfortable, you should do light walks to promote blood circulation. We recommend avoiding strenuous exercise as you heal. 

While you will see results immediately after surgery, the implants will start to settle during your recovery period and show the final results within three months. Dr. Rankin will review all post-recovery plans and what results you can expect from your surgery.

Many people can be good candidates for calf augmentation. Ideal candidates should have thinner calves that are deformed or disproportional to the rest of their bodies. The best candidates will be in good health and have realistic goals for surgery. 

We do not recommend having calf augmentation if you have high blood pressure or diabetes. You should also not be currently pregnant if you want to have calf augmentation.

How much calf augmentation costs will depend on your provider’s experience, location, and hospital fees. The average price of a calf augmentation is $3,707. During your consultation, we will determine the final costs associated with your calf augmentation surgery.

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Take the Next Step

Want to learn more about how Calf Augmentation can help you gain more confidence in your appearance? Schedule your consultation with NorCal Plastic Surgery by calling our East Bay location at (925) 856-4800 or our North Bay location at 415-727-9666, or by filling out the consultation request form below. We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals.