SF Bay Area ProLipo™

Even with consistent diet and exercise, sometimes excess fat can remain. ProLipo™ is a minimally invasive treatment for stubborn fat that won’t budge.

ProLipo™ is a minimally-invasive alternative to liposuction that uses a laser to eliminate excess fat. We can combine ProLipo™ with liposuction, but many choose to undergo this procedure independently because it is less invasive and requires less downtime. ProLipo™ can also improve skin appearance in treated areas by heating the skin from the inside. 

We can also combine ProLipo™ with SkinTyte™ to enhance results. SkinTyte™ is a non-invasive treatment that uses infrared light technology to tighten and firm the skin. 

There are many body areas that ProLipo™ can treat, including the following:

  • Upper arms
  • Chin 
  • Back
  • Abdomen
  • Thighs and waist
  • Hips

ProLipo™ works using a scientific process called lipolysis. Lipolysis breaks down fat so that it can be easily removed from the body through a thin cannula. ProLipo™ achieves this using advanced laser technology. We will specifically program the laser to fit your desired body contouring goals and your anatomy. 

We will give you a local anesthetic during treatment to keep you comfortable. We will make small incisions in the areas you want to treat. Then, the ProLipo™ device delivers laser energy into the fat directly. Finally, we will use a cannula to suction the broken-down fat out of your body. 

ProLipo™ also has a skin tightening effect to further your body contouring goals. The skin tightening occurs because of the promotion of collagen growth from its laser technology. 
The overall treatment time is approximately one hour. After your procedure, we will use a dissolvable suture on each small incision. We may also recommend the use of compression garments where you were treated. At NorCal Plastic Surgery, we will give you post-op instructions and explain them thoroughly to ensure you have the best healing process.

There is minimal downtime after ProLipo™. One of the reasons that patients like ProLipo™ are that the required downtime is only one to three days. Because you will not have had general anesthesia, there is less recovery than traditional liposuction. Many patients can return to their routines quickly. 

While there is minimal downtime, many patients report that the incision areas have some tenderness. This tenderness will be similar to if you had an intense cardio workout. You can use over-the-counter pain medications to help you feel less discomfort during your downtime. 

Results can be immediately visible, especially because ProLipo™ leaves less swelling than traditional liposuction surgery. If you are interested in treating several areas, we will space your treatments six to eight months apart so your body can heal the best.

Good candidates for ProLipo™ are generally healthy individuals with unwanted fat pockets. Ideal candidates should be at a healthy weight, exercise regularly, and have a good diet. 

People who are not at a healthy weight or have medical conditions that inhibit healing should not get ProLipo™. This procedure is not a treatment for those seeking drastic weight loss.

How much ProLipo™ costs is dependent on the provider’s experience and how many areas you desire to treat. The average price for ProLipo™ is $5,450. During your consultation, we will help determine the final costs for your ProLipo™ treatment.

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You can view NorCal Plastic Surgery’s before and after photo gallery to see the remarkable results achieved by Dr. Rankin and our team of skin care experts and aestheticians. Click to see more real patient photos.

ProLipo Results Walnut Creek
Individual results may vary

Take the Next Step

Want to learn more about how ProLipo™ can help you gain more confidence in your appearance? Schedule your consultation with NorCal Plastic Surgery by calling our East Bay location at (925) 856-4800 or our North Bay location at 415-727-9666, or by filling out the consultation request form below. Helping you achieve your cosmetic goals is an honor and a privilege at NorCal Plastic Surgery, proudly serving the East Bay, Marin County, and the greater San Francisco Bay Area.