SF Bay Area Halo™ Laser

The Halo™ Laser is a hybrid treatment that uses both ablative and non-ablative laser technology. Ablative lasers precisely target and remove the top layer of your skin. Non-ablative lasers, on the other hand, heat the layers of the skin without removing the skin’s top layer. Think about the difference between mowing your lawn (ablation) vs. aerating your lawn (fractional or non-ablative). By combining both types, Halo™ Laser can have the benefits of both for a synergistic approach to skin rejuvenation with little downtime and no pain.

The Halo™ Laser is a hybrid treatment that uses both ablative and non-ablative laser technology. Ablative lasers precisely target and remove the top layer of your skin. Non-ablative lasers, on the other hand, heat the layers of the skin without removing the skin’s top layer. Think about the difference between mowing your lawn (ablation) vs. aerating your lawn (fractional or non-ablative). By combining both types, Halo™ Laser can have the benefits of both for a synergistic approach to skin rejuvenation with little downtime and no pain. 

This hybrid laser helps optimize results by offering a customizable balance of the different type of laser wavelengths. The ablative laser can address surface skin concerns, while the non-ablative laser can work deep within the skin to produce more collagen. The benefits to having a Halo™ Laser treatment, include:

  • Increased vibrance 
  • Reducing the appearance of large pores
  • Minimizing fine wrinkles
  • Improving acne scarring
  • More even skin tone

Halo™ Laser is a fractionated laser, which is a type of laser that uses small beams of energy to target thousands of microscopic treatment zones. With fractionated lasers, only a small percentage of the skin is actually treated at a time, leaving untouched skin in between to encourage rapid healing. 

One of our providers will customize the treatment to be as light or strong as desired, depending on your skin needs. A lighter treatment can minimize downtime, while a stronger one can lead to a longer recovery but more dramatic results. 

For two weeks before your treatment, you should avoid tanning. We also recommend not using certain skincare products a week before your treatment. We will inform you about which skincare products should be avoided before your Halo™ Laser session. 

During your treatment, one of our providers will apply a topical anesthetic cream to help ensure you remain comfortable. We will then pass the Halo™ Laser device over your skin. You will feel some heat and a prickly sensation from the hybrid laser, but at the same time, the device will apply cool air to minimize any discomfort. We will then apply a moisturizer to help hydrate your skin.

Downtime after Halo™ treatments can vary depend on how gentle or strong the treatment was. Generally, the downtime is anywhere from four days to a week. For the initial 48 hours after treatment, you may still feel residual effects from the heat of the laser, which is normal. We recommend using cool compresses and our recovery cream to minimize discomfort. 

Afterward, your skin will have some “freckles” which are MENDs (microscopic epidermal necrotic debris). The MENDS are the small cores of bad collagen that your skin will eject to make way for new, fresh collagen. You  may also have some itching while revealing the new skin. Brown spots that were on the treatment area will temporarily darken. These symptoms will subside after a couple of days. Once your skin is healed, you may start putting on makeup again. 

You will start to see results a week post-treatment, but optimal results will appear a month or two after Halo™ Laser. Treatments can last up to two years. One treatment can provide skin improvements, but a series of multiple treatments can maximize them.

Almost anyone can have a Halo™ Laser treatment. Halo™is one of the few laser skin resurfacing treatments that are safe for people with dark skin. Ideal candidates should have skin concerns such as acne scarring, uneven skin tone, and fine lines and wrinkles. 

Candidates should not be currently taking Accutane and should be off of it for at least six months before treatment.

How much Halo™ Laser will cost depends on where you get the treatment, your provider’s experience, and your location. The average cost of a Halo™ Laser session is $1,475. We will provide you with a final cost during your consultation.

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You can view NorCal Plastic Surgery’s before and after photo gallery to see the remarkable results achieved by Dr. Rankin and our team of skin care experts and aestheticians. Click to see more real patient photos.

Before and After Greenbrae
Individual results may vary

Take the Next Step

Want to learn more about how Halo™ Laser can help you gain more confidence in your appearance? Schedule your consultation with NorCal Plastic Surgery by calling our East Bay location at (925) 856-4800 or our North Bay location at 415-727-9666, or by filling out the consultation request form below.. We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals.