A mini facelift rejuvenates your features and corrects mild to moderate signs of aging! Talk to the Bay Area’s best today!



*Individual Results May Vary.
These Cases Show a Variety of Different Facial and Facelift Procedures.


A mini facelift smooths lines and wrinkles while adding definition to the chin and jawline. A mini facelift works like a traditional facelift but with smaller incisions and less recovery time. 

Dr. Rankin uses his signature technique to perform every facelift and adjusts it as needed. This procedure lifts and contours your features, especially in the mid to lower face, giving you a smoother, more youthful appearance.

Is it safe?

Your NorCal Plastic Surgery team is committed to safety in all aspects of treatment.

We combine surgical expertise and the most advanced techniques – in conjunction with a state-of-the art surgical center and board-certified anesthesiologists – to ensure the safest environment, which helps produce the best results and minimize recovery for all patients.

A mini facelift is a version of the regular facelift, but Dr. Rankin uses smaller incisions. A mini facelift provides less intensive results but may be ideal for those who want to treat mild to moderate signs of aging proactively

Dr. Rankin typically finds that a mini facelift offers an ideal solution for most people under the age of 50. Most people over this age will benefit from a standard facelift.

However, each individual ages differently and will require a different strategy. In any case, the core of Dr. Rankin’s surgical strategy stays the same. He adjusts each step of the procedure to address your unique needs.

The best candidates for a mini facelift have concerns like:

  • Developing creases around the mouth and lower face
  • Minor to moderate skin laxity
  • Loss of jaw definition

If you have significant sagging skin, deeper creases, or more advanced signs of aging, Dr. Rankin will customize your facelift to treat these issues.

Each facelift is unique, with “mini facelift” as a term for those that fall on the least intensive end of the spectrum.

A mini facelift typically has less recovery time than a more intensive facelift.

Within 1-2 weeks: most people can return to work.

Within about 4 weeks: you can usually resume your usual exercise routine and other activities.

If you are preparing for an event (wedding, birthday, vacation, reunion, etc), we recommend facial rejuvenation no less than 8-12 weeks before your big day, in order to ensure appropriate healing and full activity.

If you are interested in facial rejuvenation, I encourage you to reach out to us. We would be happy to answer your questions and schedule a complimentary consultation

When it comes to a facelift, the skill and experience of your surgeon will determine the quality of your results. Dr. Rankin is a highly trained and meticulous surgeon who focuses on excellence. Unlike skin only, or cookie cutter procedures, he uses his proven strategy to customize your results.

What sets Dr. Rankin apart:

  • Board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery
  • Surgeries performed at accredited, state-of-the art surgical center with board-certified anesthesiologists
  • Trained at Vanderbilt University, one of the leading plastic surgery training programs in the U.S.
  • Industry leader as consultant for surgical device companies
  • Amazing online reviews
  • Beautiful, natural-looking results

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Before & After Gallery

You can view NorCal Plastic Surgery’s before and after photo gallery to see the remarkable results achieved by Dr. Rankin and our team of skin care experts and aestheticians. Click to see more real patient photos.

Mini Facelift Results Greenbrae
*Individual Results May Vary. These Cases Show a Variety of Different Facial and Facelift Procedures.

Take the Next Step

Want to learn more about how a FaceLift can help you gain more confidence in your appearance? Schedule your consultation with NorCal Plastic Surgery by calling our East Bay location at (925) 856-4800 or our North Bay location at 415-727-9666, or by filling out the consultation request form below. We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals.