Am I a Candidate for Chin Augmentation?

If you feel like your face looks unbalanced or your lower face lacks definition, your chin may play a role. Dr. Rankin has found that many people do not realize their chin’s impact on other aesthetic concerns. Chin augmentation provides better shape and definition while achieving facial harmony. 

What is Chin Augmentation?

People who find their chin unsatisfying have the option of chin augmentation. This procedure works in one of  three ways. It can either place an implant, move the jaw bone to move the chin forward or backward or use fat grafting. These procedures can be performed alone or in combination with other procedures. 

Chin Augmentation Greenbrae

Am I a Candidate for Chin Augmentation?

Good candidates for chin augmentation are healthy and have reasonable expectations. Dr. Rankin will assess your chin and other features to decide which procedure will provide the best results for your needs. People who need significant correction may be better candidates for genioplasty. 

How Does Chin Augmentation Work?

Dr. Ranking performs chin augmentation procedures at one of our surgical centers in Greenbrae or Walnut Creek. The right chin augmentation for you depends on your needs and goals. 

Chin Augmentation with Implant

Chin augmentation with an implant is a less invasive procedure. It uses a solid silicone shape that matches the look you want and places it under your chin muscles. The results look natural but more shapely and defined. An implant works best for improving shape and definition. 

Genioplasty or Chin Surgery

Genioplasty shapes or moves the jaw bones to bring the chin forward or move it back. Dr. Rankin can also change the shape and size of the chin by changing the bone. This procedure is more invasive but offers more dramatic results. It can correct more severe concerns than an implant.

Chin Augmentation with Implant 

Chin augmentation with fat grafting is a less invasive procedure. It uses your own fat to add volume and shape to your chin. The results look natural but more shapely and defined without an implant.

Request a Consultation

We’d love to help you get all the information you need in order to make the best choice for your eyes. Request a consultation today! Our staff is available and happy to answer your every question.

What is Recovery Like After Chin Augmentation?

A chin implant requires about a week of recovery. You may have an incision inside your mouth or under your chin. Most people can go back to work within a few days. You may still have swelling and bruising for a week or more. 

Genioplasty recovery usually takes a few weeks. Dr. Rankin often recommends eating soft foods and avoiding activities that could disturb your healing jaw. Bruising and swelling can last for a few weeks. However, you can see more dramatic results. 

Wonderful service and great results! Dr. Rankin is super nice and great at his job and the staff at Greenbrae surgery center were amazing! Overall 10/10 experience and would go back for any other surgeries in the future!


Next Steps

If you are interested in chin augmentation, please reach out to our qualified staff to schedule a consultation at one of our convenient locations in Walnut Creek and Greenbrae. Schedule your consultation with NorCal Plastic Surgery by calling our East Bay location at (925) 856-4800 or our North Bay location at 415-727-9666, or by filling out the consultation request form below. Helping you achieve your cosmetic goals is an honor and a privilege at NorCal Plastic Surgery, proudly serving the East Bay, Marin County, and the greater San Francisco Bay Area. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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