How Long Does a Facelift Last?

If you are struggling with sagging skin, wrinkles, and other signs of aging, Dr. Rankin performs facelifts to help you regain your youthful complexion. Facelifts can restore your youth for many years through one procedure.

What is a Facelift?

A facelift reduces signs of aging by removing excess skin, tightening facial tissue, and smoothing out folds and wrinkles. While it does not improve sagging eyelids or eyebrows, a facelift can be combined with other procedures for optimal results.

Dr. Rankin makes inconspicuous incisions inside the hairline to allow the removal of excess skin. He may reposition fat and tissue for the most natural and dramatic results. Many patients also receive a neck lift to reduce most signs of aging in their lower face.

What to Expect with Facelift Recovery

You should expect to return to work after two weeks, but more strenuous activities will need to wait for at least four weeks. Dr. Rankin will give detailed instructions on removing dressings and drains and when to make a follow-up appointment to check your progress. 

It is best to wear clothes that do not require lifting over your head and avoid placing excessive pressure on your face during recovery. You may be prescribed pain medication to handle some discomfort with swelling and bruising. The worst effects are after two days but begin to subside after. 

How Long Does a Facelift Last?

The results of your facelift can last around a decade, depending on your lifestyle and care. While some see signs of aging resurfacing after five and a half years, all report looking younger and far more extended than before the surgery. You can expect a natural, more youthful complexion for many years.

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Results of a Facelift

Patients report a smoother, more youthful appearance after the swelling subsides. Facelifts can remove sagging skin, reduce facial drooping, lift the corners of the mouth, and reduce creases between the cheeks and lips. For optimal results, many patients combine the procedure with a neck lift, brow lift, or eyelid lift to reduce most signs of aging. 

Am I a Candidate for a Facelift?

Most candidates for a facelift are between the ages of 40 and 60, but maybe older or younger, struggling with signs of aging. Ideal candidates are healthy non-smokers with no conditions hindering the healing process and realistic expectations. If you are concerned with signs of aging, please schedule a consultation to see if you are a good candidate for a facelift with Dr. Rankin. 

Next Steps

If you are interested in a facelift, please reach out to our qualified staff to schedule your consultation with NorCal Plastic Surgery by calling our East Bay location at (925) 856-4800 or our North Bay location at 415-727-9666, or by filling out the consultation request form below. Helping you achieve your cosmetic goals is an honor and a privilege at NorCal Plastic Surgery. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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